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Image by mk. s


There are opportunities to serve in the church and its related activities in a variety of ways. Our members are involved in projects that serve the local congregation, the church and the wider society nearby and further afield.


Serve on Sundays

  • Welcoming at the entrance to the church

  • Preparing Flower Displays

  • Serving tea and coffee

  • Reading the Bible

  • Leading prayers in the services


Serve Locally

  • Help pass on gifts to the Highland Foodbank

  • Organising events for the elderly through the Pastoral Care Team


Serve Nationally

  • Committed church members with the relevant personal professional experience have opportunities to mentor the next generation in education, medicine, leadership and in other spheres.


The Pastoral Care Team is a group of people set aside to help look after the congregation and be responsible for the pastoral needs of particular groups within the congregation, including the elderly, the frail and housebound. The Pastoral Care Team helps maintain community for those who are more limited in terms of mobility and for the congregation in general.


The Pastoral Care Team's activities include the organisation of "afternoon teas" for selected groups and, at different seasons of the year, other "events" in the area for the wider church community.

Image by Hannah Busing


Since 2020, the Church of Scotland has encouraged the church to use the Five Marks of Mission to help give focus to the Mission Plans of local congregations and to enhance church life:


  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers

  • To respond to human need by loving service

  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation

  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth


Their application can be viewed through the following lenses:

  • Building the Church (through evangelism and teaching)through

  • Serving Society (through compassion and justice)

  • Caring for Creation (godly use of resources combined with thoughtful stewardship)



Creation Care is one of the focal points of the "Five Marks of Mission" that the Church of Scotland emphasise. 


Living in a parish which is rich in flora and fauna (including one of the best spots on the planet to watch bottle-nosed dolphins from the shore) we are very mindful of the beauty and complexity of our world.


One of our members is a geographer who has published and written on geography in Scotland around the themes of nature, geography and the use of the land in "crofting." He writes regularly in our newsletter keeping us informed about the natural world and our need to be mindful of "creation care" as part of our Christian calling.


Beyond the UK, we take a particular interest in connections to Malawi and to Palestine and both of these areas have environmental challenges that are regularly reviewed in our resources.



High Street

IV10 8UF


Scottish Charity: SC004472

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