"just 10"in Avoch and
"Life & Hope Explored"in Cromarty
restarting in March 2025
just10 is on Tuesdays in Avoch
Explore - Life Explored is on Wednesdays in Cromarty
All welcome - free entry!
Black Isle East church has activities and groups that meet throughout the week.

Explore your faith. Find out more about faith, God and the Bible by coming along to our Explored or Just 10 groups and our Summer Special events.
just 10 Group will meet on Tuesday afternoons in the Avoch Halll, Cromarty at 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. (ten) Sessions from March 2025) - refreshments will be served - all welcome! (Free entry) - started - 4th March - see poster (above) for more details.
Life Explored Group will meet on Wednesday afternoons in Cromarty (Jul 2024) - Wed 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. (ten sessions from March 2025 - refreshments will be served - all welcome! (Free entry) - started - 5th March - see poster (above) for more details.
Summer Specials take place in and around Rosemarkie Church in the summer. Sessions for 2025 will be advertised later in the year. Last year (2024), Douglas Willis presented on "Flora in the Kirkyard" and William Mather on "Art and Poetry" - we will update later in the spring - tbc
Deepen your faith. Join our weekly Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings.
Bible Study meets on Thursday at 3pm in Fortrose - contact the minister for details - restarted for the Spring session.
Prayer Meeting takes place on Thursday evenings at 7pm - 7:30 pm on Zoom - contact the minister for details - restarted for the Spring session.

Celebrate the arts and creativity in our church.
Make a Joyful Noise our music group, meets on Thursday afternoons at 4:15 - 5:15 pm in the Church - the Spring session restarted in late Feburary 2025.
Make a Joyful Noise, MAJN, supports the congregational singing and adds items in different seasons: Advent/ Christmas; Lent to Easter; in the late spring we look outwards through Pentecost and a World Church focus; in the summer we support the "Summer Specials."
The Craft Group meets at 2pm on Tuesday afternoons in the Seaforth Hall - restarted 21st January 2025 for the Spring session.
The Craft Group produces crafts for different seasons of the year.
Visual artists share their work from time to time in the liturgy of our Sunday services and at Summer & Autumn Specials.
'Killearnan Summer' by William Mather - Oil on Canvas (42x59cm)
The Creative Collective exists as a forum to stimulate projects and inspire the creative activities of the church in the Sunday worship but also in other aspects of church and community life. It includes those with interests in music, the visual arts, crafts and photography.
The Creative Collective is an occasional group which meets a few times a year with a focus in September towards Advent/Christmas, in January towards Lent/Passion/ Easter and in April towards Ascension/ Pentecost and the Summer Specials.
Christmas 2024 Over Christmas, our music group MAJN shared the Sans Day Carol (Cornish trad.), the Sussex Carol (trad.) Myn Liking (RR Terry), and Good King Wenceslas (Piae Cantiones arr. Wilcocks) as well as supporting a range of traditional and more recent music.

'Fun on the Beach' by William Mather - Oil on Canvas (50x76cm)

Connect globally and nationally to other Christian charities and organisations.
Our church has members who are active around the five marks of mission and who are involved with a range of Christan organisations and charities - these include:
ACORN - connecting to the world around;
Friends International - a charity reaching international students;
OMF International - an agency working in East Asia
Phoenix India - a charity in North India
Fairtrade - connecting the church to the wider world and its needs
Grow in your faith. As a church we encourage our members to develop their skills and to train others.
Our minister Rev. Dr Warren Beattie has been involved in delivering training for worship though the Highland Theological College (UHI) for church members and for ministry candidates - two of our own elders were recently accredited by the Church of Scotland to "Lead Worship" in their local congregation. (Details of the next training courses will be shared when notified by the Presbytery for 2025).
Warren also shares occasionally at the Centre for the Study of World Christianity with international students and he and his wife have been involved in training at All Nations Christian College in Hertfordshire, England.